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Dongyuan County Tax Service, State Taxation Administration Introduced Measures to Optimize the Tax Business Environment and Pursue High-quality Development together with Enterprises
发布时间:2024-05-29 17:44:10来源:Heyuan Tax Service,State Taxation Administration 浏览次数:字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

In order to effectively implement the public-benefiting measured of tax affairs, comprehensively optimize the business environment in tax field,and achieve the needs of face-to-face service, Dongyuan County Tax Service held a policy delivery session with the theme of  “Tax contributes to society process and high-quality economic development” on April 1,2023,and invited representatives of more than 10 high-tech enterprises to  discuss about tax affairs together, which is helpful to solve the urgent and difficult problems faced by the people , echoing the theme of “Tax helps development to move forward”.

This is not only one of the series of activities launched during the 33rd National Tax Publicity Month in Heyuan, but also a “microcosm” of innovative service initiatives of Dongyuan County Tax Service. “For a long time, ‘interactive communication with the Head of Tax Service face to face’ has been a highlight of the work of Dongyuan County Tax Service,where problems can be solved during the relaxed and pleasant conversation.It’s really efficient, convenient and intimate!” Ming Lei, the head of laser intelligent equipment (Heyuan) Co., LTD., highly recognized the activity.

At the event, the tax official collected and organized the frequent and difficult operated tax problems put forward by the representatives of the enterprises. Meanwhile, the tax official promoted preferential tax policies to the representatives face to face and provided precise answers of tax questions related to high-tech enterprises’ preferential tax policies, tax operation procedures, etc., pushing the atmosphere of the event to the climax.

Xiao Limei, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and the chairman of the Dongyuan County Sanhong Glutinous Rice Professional Cooperative, said that during the 33rd National Tax Publicity Month, tax department offered face-to-face guidance could effectively improve the satisfaction and achievement of taxpayers.

It was worth mentioning that Dongyuan County Tax Service and the representatives of 10 enterprises jointly signed the “Tax Service Framework Agreement”, thus building a more smooth and effective communication and coordination mechanism between tax authorities and enterprises. What’s more,the tax department also presented tax preferential policy guidelines for high-tech enterprises, and simultaneously launched 10 measures to optimize the business environment as well as serve the high-quality development of the economy. The 10 measures are launched to create a express way to serve key enterprise, to intensify efforts to help high-quality development,to provide whole-process services in tax service hall, to ensure that tax preferential policies are quickly and directly accessible, to improve the standardization of tax collection and administration reform,to upgrade tax services facilitation, to develop better ways of enforcing laws, to achieve one-stop resolution of tax-related disputes, to help creditworthy taxpayers loan to ease financing difficulties, and to promotion of corruption by serious discipline supervise.

The relevant person in charge of Dongyuan County Tax Service said: “The 10 measures of optimizing the business environment in tax field and serving the high-quality development of the economy, represents the attitude of the tax department and the temperature of tax service.” Next, Dongyuan County Tax Service will continuously focus on the “tens of millions of projects”, green ecological construction, “seven actions” of the county Party Committee and other key works, launch more activities to promote policies to enterprises,and carry out publicity activities with rich content by diverse forms, to make sure that various tax and fee preferential policies are quickly and directly accessible to taxpayers. Moreover, we will also spare no efforts to ensure the stable expectations and steady growth of enterprises, contributing to the high-quality development of local economy.
