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Heyuan, Guangdong: university Students Had Immersive Experience of Tax Service
发布时间:2024-05-29 17:46:22来源:Heyuan Tax Service,State Taxation Administration 浏览次数:字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

During the 33rd Month of National Revenue Promotion, Jiangdong New District Office, Heyuan Tax Service, State Taxation Administration and Heyuan Polytechnic jointly held a special immersive experience of tax service.

In the activity, students from Heyuan Polytechnic were invited to enter the tax service hall to have zero distance contact with daily work of taxation administration, and also to experience the efficiency and convenience of tax services. The students received pre-job training in basic tax knowledge, daily tax procedures, and work discipline standards. Then, they dressed in volunteer uniforms, and worked collaboratively in various roles. Some answered taxpayers’ questions, some guided the operation of declarations, and some checked the submitted information, with each step conducted under the guidance of tax professionals.

Zhang Danyao, a student from the Class 3, Grade 2023 of Big Data and Accounting at Heyuan Polytechnic, exclaimed after participating in the experience activity: “After experiencing the work in the tax service hall, I truly felt the intelligent and fast-paced nature of tax payment now. The event was really meaningful.”

It is understood that since the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement in 2022, Jiangdong New District Office, Heyuan Tax Service, State Taxation Administration and Heyuan Polytechnic have leveraged their respective strengths to jointly explore new models for development of service, create new fronts for tax law publicity, establish a tax service station to assist university students in employment and entrepreneurship, and establish a regular demand response mechanism. They regularly carry out activities such as tax law publicity on campus, thematic joint learning, employment salons, and recruiting university student volunteers, providing a practical platform and maximum tax support for university students to enhance their employment skills and entrepreneurial capabilities.

The responsible person of Jiangdong New District Office, Heyuan Tax Service, State Taxation Administration said that such experience activities allow university students to combine classroom knowledge with actual operations, exercise their communication and expression skills, and comprehensively improve their overall quality. Next, the tax bureau will continue to strengthen cooperation with universities, enrich the content of volunteer services, and continuously collect suggestions for optimizing tax services to promote the optimization of the regional business environment and high-quality economic development.
