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More Than 1500 People Participated in the Tax Policy Lecture Regarding the Annual Settlement Held by National High-tech Development Zone Office, Heyuan Tax Service, State Taxation Administration
发布时间:2024-05-29 17:46:59来源:Heyuan Tax Service,State Taxation Administration 浏览次数:字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

In order to help taxpayers fully understand the important and difficult matters of the annual settlement and payment of enterprise income tax, recently, High-tech Development District Office, Heyuan Tax Service, State Taxation Administration  (hereinafter referred to as “High-tech Development District Office”), held the “Interpretation Lecture on the final settlement and payment of enterprise income tax for 2023” through online and offline methods., which was attended by nearly 200 representatives of the local enterprises, and watched by more than 1,300 people through the live broadcasting platform.

During the lecture, the tax official provided comprehensive explanations on key points such as settlement and payment precautions, interpretation of the latest policies, risk prevention tips for filling out declaration forms, and common issues. Based on the points of policy changes that taxpayers have consulted more frequently and paid more attention to in the past, the tax official provided detailed explanations with practical examples, helping companies reduce tax risks and fully enjoy the latest preferential policies. Additionally, the tax official also conducted special training on comprehensive income tax for individual, answering common difficult questions about personal tax declaration, which is helpful for taxpayers to grasp the basic operations and policy essentials.

“The lecture is very innovative. If there are any areas not well understood on-site, we can review and learn through online replays afterward. It is very convenient.” said Meihong Zhang, a financial staff member of Xike Communication Technology Equipment (Heyuan) Co., Ltd. “It has solved my confusion about the declaration of annual enterprise income tax settlement and payment, enabling me to master the relevant policies of enterprise income tax and become more proficient in declaration and filling out operations.” 

Next, High-tech Development District Office will further take the taxpayers' demand as the guidance, and launch more high-quality policy propaganda activities such as taxation lectures, online classrooms, and on-site services, achieving a shift from “people seeking policies” to “policies seeking people”,  allowing taxpayers to enjoy policy benefits more efficiently and sufficiently, and contributing to the high-quality development of local enterprises with the power of tax.
