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【People's Daily】HEYUAN -- Taxation Helps Social Development to Further Progress and Helps Youth Pursue Their Dreams
发布时间:2024-05-29 17:42:41来源:Heyuan Tax Service,State Taxation Administration 浏览次数:字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

Recently, the Launching Ceremony of the 33rd National Tax Promotion  Month was held in Heyuan Career College, with the theme of Taxation Helping Social Development to Further Progress and Helping Youth Pursue their Dreams.The deputy to the National People’s Congress, mainstream media representatives, tax service experience members and representatives of teachers and students of colleges and universities, were invited to the take part in the launching ceremony. The 33rd launching Ceremony of National Tax Promotion of Heyuan city officially will carry out with diverse culture activities scheduled over the coming month, which includes the tax promotion carnival, “Everything or Nothing”, and tax seminar for college graduates entrepreneurship and employment and tax experience bus, “The Zephyr”, and it aimed to further enhance effectiveness of tax promotion work and upgrade its brand.

Zhong Kai, a member of the Party Committee and deputy director of Heyuan Taxation Administration, said that the entrepreneurship and employment of college graduates and other young generation are related to people’s well-being, economic development and the country's future. Taking the launching ceremony of the 33rd Tax Promotion Month as an opportunity to delivery tax policies to the students of Heyuan Career College, the tax authority aimed to guide the public, especially college students, to enhance their awareness of paying tax.The tax authority will continue to carry out a series of activities closely linked to the theme of the 33rd Tax Promotion Month to further augment the overall societal compliance with tax regulations, including “Taxation Helps Youth Pursue their Dreams” tax seminar for college graduates entrepreneurship, “Discussing Tax Promotion Together and Popularizing Legal Knowledge Online”, “Taxation and City Grows Together” ,“integrated media solitaire”,  and “the Ten Thousand Screens Light Up Tax Promotion”, “Publicizing the Tax Law Into Six Institutions”, “Getting things done efficiently” tax promotion service.

Subsequently, the tax authority issued “The Tax Propagandist” certificates to ten outstanding student representatives and invited them to publicize the national tax preferential policies together. Meanwhile, the tax authority conducted a seminar on preferential tax policies of entrepreneurship and employment of college graduates for nearly 200 college students, which included the activities of “The Sights Recreation Policy Preach + Quick-Answer Game”. With a large number of students enthusiastically participated on the event, the atmosphere was lively.

