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Show the style of women and the spirit of striving
发布时间:2023-03-09 19:47:14来源:HZNAWS 浏览次数:字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

Spring is warm and prosperous. In order to enhance collective cohesion, stimulate the entrepreneurial motivation of officers, and better serve the women compatriots, Women's Federation of  Daya Bay Taxation Bureau launched a series of activities to commemorate the 113th International Women's Day.

1、Conducting lecturer on women health

On February 22nd, the Women's Federation of Daya Bay Taxation Bureau invited Professor Yuan Jianhuan from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Huizhou First People's Hospital to give a lecture. Professor Yuan gave lecture on gynecological diseases and women's health care to women cadres  of Daya Bay Taxation Bureau, such as the key points of women's health care at all ages, daily exercise, diet and sleep, etc and gave analysis of physical examination reports. The training would promote  women cadres to pay more attention to their health and enhance the spirit of entrepreneurship.

2.Inviting female entrepreneurs to vitst Daya Bay Taxation with the theme of "Spring Breeze Warms the enterprise "

In order to promote the "Spring Breeze Action" in 2023, the Women's Federation of Daya Bay Taxation Bureau invited female entrepreneurs to vitst Daya Bay Taxation with the theme of "Spring Breeze Warms the enterprises "on March 3rd. The Executive Committee of the Women's Federation of Daya Bay Taxation Bureau and the female cadres of the Tax Service Department jointly carried out activities with more than 20 female entrepreneurs from well-known enterprises such as the Shell, Hengli Petrochemical and Exxon Mobil.

Female entrepreneurs visited the "non-contact" tax service hall in Daya Bay District to experience the functional areas of the tax service hall at close range. Tax officials also made an in-depth interpretation of recent policies, and female entrepreneurs actively raised questions. This activity invited florists to teach florists knowledge, and demonstrated how to arrange flowers. The whole activity atmosphere was warm, which provided a good communication platform for female entrepreneurs

3.Participating in the activity of "women present party flag, the executive committee goes to the grass roots"

On March 6th, the 1st Executive Committee of the Women's Federation of Taxation Bureau of Daya Bay participated in the activity of "A New Journey of Striving for the Party with Women's Hearts-women present party flag, the executive committee goes to the grass roots for the 113th Anniversary of International Women's Day in Daya Bay District" organized by Daya Bay Women's Federation. At the activity, Chen Zhiming, Director of the Organization Department of Daya Bay District, presented honorary certificates and plaques to the delegates who received honorary certificates. Zhang Lingzi's family of Daya Bay  Taxation Bureau won the "Five Good Families in Guangdong Province", and the Personnel section of Daya Bay Taxation Bureau got the honorary title of "Women's Civilized Post in Daya Bay District" in 2021.

Then, to give care and warmth to those in need, the Women's Federation Executive Committee of Daya Bay Taxation Bureau, the grass-roots Women's Federation Executive Committee of West District Sub-district Office and women cadres delivered daily necessities such as oil and rice to 11 children in poor.

4.Riding (hiking) activities with the theme of “departure towards spring”

In order to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of female employees, guide female employees to listen to and follow the Party, and strive to be builders of great undertakings, advocates of civilization and dream chasers, the Women's Federation of Daya Bay Taxation Bureau organized a cycle and hike trip with the theme of “departure towards spring”to Wushantou Greenway on March 8. More than 60 female cadres relaxed their moods by cycling and hiking. With the warm sun and the gentle sea breeze in March, everyone was enthusiastic and happy to "ride", and they walked all the way to view the scenery and talk with each other, which not only relaxed and reaped joy, but also strengthened collective cohesion.

The series of activities of International Women's Day fully demonstrated the spirit of the female employees of the district bureau who are uplifting and enterprising. Everyone has expressed that they will continue to keep up with the pace of the times in the next work, show their demeanor, actively devote themselves to their duties, take up new missions in the new era and new journey, and do their best to fulfill the duties of "half of the sky" of Daya Bay tax.
