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Maoming: Bilingual Service Helps Taxpayers Handle Taxes Easier
发布时间:2022-05-24 16:16:11来源:Maoming Tax Service, State Administration of Taxation 浏览次数:字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

"It is very convenient and efficient!"Farrukh, a taxpayer from Pakistan, exclaimed sincerely as received the message on his mobile phone announcing the successful tax refund. A few days ago, A tax staff of Maonan Taxpayer Service Hall served Farrukh, a Pakistani teacher at the Guangdong Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Technology. Through his foreign friends, he learned that non-resident taxpayers meeting some specified conditions, can enjoy tax treaty treatment by reducing or exempting from personal income tax. He’d like to figure out whether he meet the specified conditions or not,and how to apply for a personal income tax deduction. So, in the accompany of colleagues, he went to the local Taxpayer Service Hall for consultation.

"This is the detailed terms of tax treaty treatment. I will explain to you in detail..."The tax officer explained the specific content of tax treaty treatment in detail in fluent English. Confirming that Farrukh met the conditions for enjoying tax treaty treatment, the tax officer prepared a list of materials required for the application, and offered material-filling guidance during the whole process. At the same time, the tax personnel actively contacted the staff of the Institute, to provided more specific Tax policy advocacy to other foreign teachers, so as to ensure that all the taxpayers who meet the conditions could enjoy the benefits of the preferential tax policies.

One-on-one Q&A, Bilingual Guidance, such personalized services are parts of the Spring Breeze Movement of Convenient Taxation Sevice offered by Maonan District Office,Maoming Tax Sevice, State Taxation Administration. Thinking of the taxpayers,the tax department has persevered in making continuous progress to optimize business environment and improve service experience, by increasing preferential tax policies publicity, shortening the approval process and optimizing tax payment services, to make sure all taxpayers can truly enjoy preferential treatment.
