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STA Implemented 100 Measures for the Convenience of the People
发布时间:2023-03-10 09:58:26来源:Guangzhou Tax Service,State Taxation Administration 浏览次数:65字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

The State Taxation Administration(STA) launched in February "I Do Practical Things For Taxpayers". Tax system at all levels have actively promoted the implementation of hundreds of convenient measures to benefit the people. At present, 58% have been implemented, effectively solving the pain and difficult problems of taxpayers.

China tax department ensures that the issues reflected by taxpayer can be rectified as soon as possible by carrying out a series of actions. On the basis of the survey in Feb, STA continued to carry out questioning demands, soliciting opinions and suggestions from more than 270,000 taxpayers and payers to solve more than 21,000 practical problems.

At the same time, the STA accurately pushes tax and fee preferential policies, forms a policy package for different taxpayers such as small and micro enterprises.

In addition, the tax department promotes the system of "first violation without penalty", publishes the list of the first 10 unified tax administrative punishments, gives market entities room to correct mistakes, and promotes tax law compliance.
