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China waives VAT for some small-scale taxpayers in 2023
发布时间:2023-02-16 18:11:04来源:State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China 浏览次数:字号:[][][]打印本页 分享至:

China exempts small businesses with monthly sales of 100,000 yuan (about $14,790) or less from value-added tax (VAT) throughout 2023, according to finance and taxation authorities.

Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration also specified tax relief policies for taxpayers engaged in producer services such as postal and telecom services.

As part of efforts to support economic growth, China has carried out a wide range of tax and fee cuts over the years. In 2022, the country implemented record-high value-added tax credit refunds, which totaled about 2.4 trillion yuan.
