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国际税收事项确定性服务“线上办”介绍Introduction to Online Application for International Tax Matter Certainty Services
PUBLISHTIME:2024-02-23 16:10:05FROM:国家税务总局广州市税务局 HITS:FONTSIZE:[big][large][small]Print this Page Share for:


International Tax Matter Certainty Services are personalized tax services provided by tax authorities upon taxpayers’ written applications. These services aim to address complex cross-border tax matters with specific arrangements that have been clarified but not yet implemented, and determine how current tax laws, regulations, provisions, normative documents, and tax agreements (or arrangements) should be applied. International Tax Matter Certainty Services are now available online. If you are a taxpayer or withholding agent under the jurisdiction of the Guangzhou Tax Service, you can apply for International Tax Matter Certainty Services via the Guangdong E-Tax Bureau. The application process is as follows: Log in with your real name, click on “Pay Taxes”, choose “Services”, select “General”, and then choose “International Tax Matter Certainty Services (Applicable to Guangzhou)”. Fill out the application form, complete data uploads, and submit your application. Once the tax authority has reviewed and processed your request, you can view the corresponding opinion letter in the “My To-Do Items” section on the homepage, enabling a seamless online application process.


Where your international tax matters involve both the Shenzhen Tax Service and the Guangzhou Tax Service and require a joint advance ruling, you can also make an application through the Guangdong E-Tax Bureau.


For detailed instructions, please refer to the International Tax Matter Certainty Services - Taxpayer Portal Manual (Applicable to Guangzhou) and the Joint Advance Ruling for International Tax Matters - Taxpayer Portal Manual (Applicable to Guangzhou-Shenzhen Joint Advance Tax Ruling).


To apply for these services, please visit the Guangdong E-Tax Bureau at:
