- 条款名称
内容 暂无条约内容。 暂无条约内容。 -
- 条款名称
内容 暂无条约内容。
第一条 在中国境内有住所,或者无住所而一个纳税年度内在中国境内居住累计满一百八十三天的个人,为居民个人。居民个人从中国境内和境外取得的所得,依照本法规定缴纳个人所得税。
《财政部 税务总局关于在中国境内无住所的个人居住时间判定标准的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2019年第34号)
《中国税收居民身份证明》申请表Application Form for < Certificate of Chinese Fiscal Resident > | |
申请人信息:applicant information 个人:individual□ 企业:enterprise□ 对《税收居民证明》样式有特殊要求:have special requirements for the format of the certificate□ |
基本信息Basic Information |
申请人名称(姓名):Name of Applicant 英文名称(姓名):Name of Applicant(in English) 纳税人识别号:Taxpayer Identification Number 联系地址:Contact Address 联系电话:Contact Number 主管税务机关名称:Competent Tax Authority |
申请开具《税收居民证明》有关信息Information related to application |
申请年度:Application Year 缔约对方国家(地区):Country (Region) of Contracting Party 对方纳税人名称Taxpayer’s Name of the other Party 英文:English 中文:Chinese 对方纳税人识别号:Taxpayer Identification Number of the other Party 拟享受协定名称一:Name of Treaty to be enjoyed #1 拟享受协定条款一:Provision to be enjoyed #1 拟享受协定收入金额一:Amount of Income applicable to the Treaty #1 预计减免税金额一:Estimated Amount of Tax Reduction or Exemption #1 拟享受协定名称二:Name of Treaty to be enjoyed #2 拟享受协定条款二:Provision to be enjoyed #2 拟享受协定收入金额二:Amount of Income applicable to the Treaty #2 预计减免税金额二:Estimated Amount of Tax Reduction or Exemption #2 |
申请人为个人时填报For Individual Applicants |
国家(地区):Country(Region) 职业:Occupation 身份证件:ID Type 证件号码:ID Number 在中国境内是否有住所:Whether the applicant has domicile in China 是:Yes口 否:No口 如无住所,申请年度在中国境内是否居住累计满183天:If not having domicile, Whether the applicant has resided in China for a total of 183 days in the application year 是:Yes口 否:No口 现居住住址:Current Residential Address 在中国境内居住满183天的年度是否连续满6年(含6年):Whether the applicant has resided in China for a total of 183 days each year in 6 consecutive years or more 是:Yes口 否:No口 合伙企业名称:Name of Partnership Enterprise 合伙企业纳税人识别号:Taxpayer Identification Number of Partnership Enterprise 合伙企业所在国家(地区):Country(Region) of Partnership Enterprise 合伙企业所在地:Location of Partnership Enterprise |
申请人为企业时填报For Enterprise Applicants |
注册登记地:Place of Registration 依据实际管理机构认定的居民企业,认定文号:For resident enterprises identified according to actual management organization,Document Number of Identification 实际管理机构所在地:Location of Actual Management Organization 境内分支机构名称:Name of Domestic Branches 所在地:Location 境外分支机构名称:Name of Overseas Branches 所在国家(地区):Country(Region) 合伙企业名称:Name of Partnership Enterprise 合伙企业纳税人识别号:Taxpayer identification Number of Partnership Enterprise 合伙企业所在国家(地区):Country (region) of Partnership Enterprise 合伙企业所在地 :Location of Partnership Enterprise |
声明:此表是根据国家税收法律法规及相关规定填写,对填报内容(及附带资料)的真实性、可靠性、完整性负责。Statement:This form is filled out in accordance with national tax laws and regulations and relevant provisions. We are responsible for the authenticity, reliability and integrity of the content (and attached material).
申请人或者代理人(签名或者盖章):Applicant or agent (signature or seal)
日期:Date年YYYY月MM日DD |
《中国税收居民身份证明》申请表填表说明Instructions on filling in the Application Form for < Certificate of Chinese Fiscal Resident >
一、适用范围1. Scope of application
申请人(企业或个人)为享受中国政府签署的税收协定,内地与香港、澳门签署的税收安排以及大陆与台湾签署的税收协议,航空协定税收条款,海运协定税收条款,汽车运输协定税收条款,互免国际运输收入税收协议或者换函的协定待遇,就其构成中国税收居民身份的任一公历年度向主管税务机关申请开具《中国税收居民身份证明》(以下简称《税收居民证明》)时填报。Applicants (enterprise or individual), to enjoy the treatment of tax treaties signed by the government of the People's Republic of China, tax arrangements signed by Mainland China with Hong Kong(HKSAR) and Macao(MCSAR), tax arrangements signed by Mainland China with Taiwan, provisions of agreements on aviation, provisions of agreements on ocean shipping, provisions of agreements on motor transport , agreements for reciprocal exemption of tax on international transport income or exchange of letters, shall fill in and submit this form to the competent tax authority to apply for the issuance of
二、本条表头项目2. Form Header
(一)申请人为个人的,根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》及其实施条例等有关规定,在中国境内有住所或者无住所而一个纳税年度内在中国境内居住累计满183天的个人。其中,在中国境内有住所的居民个人是指因户籍、家庭、经济利益关系而在中国境内习惯性居住的个人;在中国境内无住所居民个人是指一个纳税年度内在中国境内居住累计满183天的无住所个人。2.1 Individual applicants, as stipulated by the PRC Individual Income Tax Law and associated regulations on implementation , are individuals who have domicile in the territory of China, or who have no domicile but have resided in China for a total of 183 days within one tax year. Thereinto , "resident individuals who have domicile in China" refer to individuals who habitually reside in China due to their household registration, family or economic interests; "resident individuals without domicile in China" refer to individuals with no domicile but have resided in the territory of China for a total of 183 days in one tax year. (二)申请人为企业的,根据《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》及其实施条例等有关规定,依法在中国境内成立,或者依照外国(地区)法律成立但实际管理机构在中国境内的企业。2.2 Enterprise applicants, as stipulated by the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law and associated regulations on Implementation, are enterprises lawfully established within the territory of China, or enterprises established under the laws of a foreign country(region) but with its actual management organization in the territory of China. 三、本表各栏填写3. Columns
1.申请人名称(姓名):申请人为个人时,填写个人姓名;申请人为企业时,填写企业名称。3.1 Name of applicant: If the applicant is an individual, fill in his/her name; if the applicant is an enterprise, fill in the enterprise name. 2.纳税人识别号:申请人为个人的,如有中国公民身份号码的,填写中华人民共和国居民身份证上载明的“公民身份号码”,没有中国公民身份号码的,则填写税务机关赋予的纳税人识别号;申请人为企业的,填写企业的纳税人识别号或者统一社会信用代码。3.2 Taxpayer Identification Number: For individual applicants, fill in the "Citizen ID number" shown on the Resident Identification Card of the People's Republic of China; or taxpayer identification number granted by the tax authorities if they don’t have a Citizen ID number; for enterprise applicants, fill in the taxpayer identification number or the uniform social credit code. 3.主管税务机关名称:申请人的主管税务机关名称。3.3 Competent Tax Authority: name of the applicant's competent tax authority. 4.申请年度:申请人申请开具《税收居民证明》的任一公历年度。3.4 Application Year: any calendar year in which the applicant applies for the 5.缔约对方国家(地区):申请开具《税收居民证明》拟适用的对方国家(地区)。3.5 Country (Region) of Contracting Party : the country (region) of the contracting party where the 6.对方纳税人名称:与该《税收居民证明》有关且与申请人发生业务往来的缔约对方纳税人(企业或个人)名称。3.6 Taxpayer’s Name of the other Party: name of the taxpayer(enterprise or individual) of the contracting party which is relevant to the 7.对方纳税人识别号:对方纳税人在缔约对方国家(地区)的纳税人(企业或个人)识别号。3.7 Taxpayer Identification Number of the other Party: tax identification number of contracting taxpayer (enterprise or individual) in the Contracting Country (Region). 8.拟享受协定名称:申请人向缔约对方申请享受的中国政府签署的税收协定,内地与香港、澳门签署的税收安排以及大陆与台湾签署的税收协议,航空协定税收条款,海运协定税收条款,汽车运输协定税收条款,互免国际运输收入税收协议或者换函名称。3.8 Name of Treaty to be enjoyed: name of the tax treaties signed by the government of the People's Republic of China, tax arrangements signed by Mainland China with Hong Kong(HKSAR) and Macao(MCSAR), tax arrangements signed by Mainland China with Taiwan, provisions of agreements on aviation, provisions of agreements on ocean shipping, provisions of agreements on motor transport , agreements for reciprocal exemption of tax on international transport income or exchange of letters that applicants apply to the contracting parties to enjoy. 9.拟享受协定条款:申请人向缔约对方申请享受协定的条款,包括:股息、利息、特许权使用费、常设机构和营业利润、财产收益、国际运输、独立个人劳务、非独立个人劳务(受雇所得)、演艺人员和运动员、退休金、政府服务、教师和研究人员、学生、其他所得等。每行填报一个条款,如涉及两个以上条款的,请另行附报说明。3.9 Provision to be enjoyed: provision of tax treaties that applicants apply to the contracting parties to enjoy, including dividends, interest , royalties, permanent establishment and business profits, property gains, international transportation, independent personal services, dependent personal services (income from employment), entertainers and athletes, pensions, government services, teachers and researchers, students, other income, etc. Fill in one provision per line. If more than two provisions are involved, please attach a separate statement. 10.拟享受协定收入金额:填报与该《税收居民证明》有关、申请人取得的拟享受税收协定的收入金额。每行填报对应协定条款的拟享受税收协定的收入金额,合伙企业的合伙人填写按照合伙协议或分配协议计算的合伙人应取得的收入金额。收入金额为外币的应按照填报申请表当日汇率中间价换算为人民币金额。每行填报一个条款,如涉及两个以上条款的,请另行附报说明。3.10 Amount of income applicable to the treaty: fill in the amount of income, relevant to the 11.预计减免税金额:填报与该《税收居民证明》有关、申请人拟享受税收协定待遇在缔约对方减免税收金额。即:按照缔约对方法律规定计算的应缴纳税款金额与按照税收协定计算的应缴纳税款金额之差。每行填报对应协定条款预计减免税金额。减免税金额为外币的应按照填报申请表当日汇率中间价换算为人民币金额。每行填报一个条款,如涉及两个以上条款的,请另行附报说明。3.11 Estimated Amount of Tax Reduction or Exemption: fill in the amount of tax deduction or exemption, relevant to the 12.身份证件、证件号码:填写申请人为个人时有效的身份证件类型及证件号码。3.12 ID type and ID Number: the type and number of an individual applicant’s valid identity document. 13.在中国境内是否有住所:申请人根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》第一条第一款、《中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例》第二条等规定判定情况。选“是”时应附送相关资料。3.13 Whether the applicant has domicile in China: the applicant shall determine the situation according to paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the PRC Individual Income Tax Law and Article 2 of the Regulations on the Implementation of the PRC Individual Income Tax Law. If "yes" is selected, relevant material shall be attached. 14.如无住所,申请年度在中国境内是否居住累计满183天:填报申请人根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》第一条第二款等规定判定情况。选“是”时应附送相关资料。3.14 If not having domicile, Whether the applicant has resided in China for a total of 183 days in the application year:the applicant shall determine the situation according to paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the PRC Individual Income Tax Law. If "yes" is selected, relevant material shall be attached. 15.在中国境内居住满183天的年度是否连续满6年(含6年):申请人根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》第一条第一款、《中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例》第四条等规定判定是否连续满6年情况。3.15 Whether the applicant has resided in China for a total of 183 days each year in 6 consecutive years or more: the applicant shall determine whether he/she has resided in China for more than 6 consecutive years according to paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the PRC Individual Income Tax Law and Article 4 of the Regulations on the Implementation of the PRC Individual Income Tax Law. 16.现居住地址:申请人为个人时其本人在中国境内的习惯性住所或者无住所的现居住地址。3.16 Current Residential Address: the habitual abode or current residential address when not having a domicile of an individual applicant in the territory in China. 17.境内分支机构名称、境外分支机构名称:中国居民企业的境内、境外分支机构通过其总机构向总机构主管税务机关提出申请时填报。3.17 Name of Domestic Branches and Overseas Branches: fill in when a domestic branch or overseas branch of a Chinese resident enterprise apply through its head office to the head office’s competent tax authority. 18.合伙企业名称、合伙企业纳税人识别号、所在国家(地区)、所在地:中国境内注册的合伙企业以其中国居民合伙人作为申请人,向中国居民合伙人主管税务机关申请时填报。3.18 Name, taxpayer identification number, country (region) and location of the partnership enterprise: fill in when partnership enterprise registered in the territory of China takes its Chinese resident partner as the applicant and apply to the Chinese resident partner’s competent tax authority. 19.申请人或者代理人签名:由企业法定代表人或者其授权代表负责人、个人本人或者其授权人签名并/或者盖章,并填写声明日期。3.19 Signature of applicant or agent: signed and/or sealed by the legal representative of the enterprise or its authorized representative , the individual applicant or his/her authorized person, and filled in the date of declaration. 四、其他事项说明4.Other Instructions
以纸质方式报送本表的,申请人提交的申请表原件和相关资料、《税收居民证明》复印件由主管税务机关保存备查。如缔约对方税务主管当局对《税收居民证明》样式有特殊要求的,申请人的书面说明及缔约对方《税收居民证明》样式由主管税务机关保存备查。If this form is submitted in paper form, the original application form with relevant materials and the copy of the